Portland’s spookiest variety entertainment returns! Featuring musicians, sideshow entertainment, comedians, storytellers and *shudders* clowns.
Rumor has it that a local vigilante justice group is planning on protesting this event, so wear your freakiest duds to scare ’em off!
Lineup announced soon! Plant your peepers here!
Dustin CurryDustin Curry is a Portland-based clown, magician and sideshow performer. He has performed onstage at such disreputable establishments as the Kansas City Fringe, Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival and the Festival of Independent Theatres in Dallas, TX. Locally, you may have seen Dustin at Curious Comedy Theater or Portland Center Stage. @dustincurrypdxWebsiteJones VioletLocal comedian Jones Violet delivers a stand up set based on the spookier side of her experiences as a trans broke twenty something who really just needs to nap more.
Jones is a comedian, artist, and social worker whose work draws on the absurdity of being hot, young and trans. She is often performing improv at Kickstand Comedy and can also be found playing classical piano late at night and annoying her housemates. @mold.mistressMalarkiThe Great and Powerful Malarki channels the spirits to present you with the best paranormal entertainment that he can muster. Hapless half-wit or dangerous warlock, you be the judge. Like the dad in the Halloween episode of your favorite 90s straight to video kids movie.Raggedy AndroRaggedy Andro is a tactfully tattered ragdoll, dancing
with their shadow and playing outside the rules of perception. Influenced by drag and puppetry, and engaging with their ongoing process of self discovery through performance—they aim to create a spectacle of their body in order to allow for its redefinition. @Raggedy_androEmily June NewtonBehold the wonder that is the moon – the celestial performer that graces our skies is now taking to the stage.
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